Abstract neon outlines of three-dimensional blocks symbolizing VPS hosting, operating systems, and server images
The interplay of neon blocks in this abstract representation captures the essence of VPS hosting and the diverse operating systems contained within server images.
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Updated at: 02/07/2024

Popular Linux Distributions and OS 2024

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Available Linux Distributions, Operating Systems & Appliances 2024

EDIS Global provides a large number of ready-made operating system images for auto-installation, images for self-install via VNC and over 100 comfortable Turnkey system images to be used with your VPS hosting plans. VPS hosting plans are easily scalable and you can switch between Linux and Windows with ease.

The most Common Linux Distros as well as Microsoft Windows Server 2016 - 2022 (180 days trial version) are offered for automated installation.

IP configuration, passwords or public keys are "injected" by EDIS. Special distributions including FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD can be easily installed using the VNC infrastructure provided. If the operating system you require does not appear in our list, you can provide your own .iso by uploading it to your VPS management dashboard. On your EDIS Global VPS hosting virtual machine you can basically run every OS or Appliance that's capable of being executed on an Intel processor.

Popular Linux Distributions available for Auto-Installation on your virtual private server

Debian is renowned (some say that) for being the mother of popular Linux distributions such as Deepin, Ubuntu, and Mint which have provided solid performance, stability, and unparalleled user experience. EDIS uses Debian linux as the platform of choice for its VPS server and shared hosting platforms since day one.

Debian 12 (Bookworm)
Debian 11 (Bullseye)
Debian 10 (Buster)
Debian 9 (Strech)

CentOS is a free, stable, and open-source clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), ideal for production environments requiring high stability. It provides the same functionality and compatibility as RHEL without commercial support, following RHEL releases with updates and security patches.

CentOS 7 (EOL June 30, 2024)
CentOS 8 (EOL Dec 31, 2021*)

Changed from the originally planned EOL of May 31, 2029 due to the shift to CentOS Stream)

CentOS Stream is a rolling-release distribution that serves as a development platform for the next minor release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It provides a continuously updated environment, previewing upcoming RHEL features, and is less stable than traditional CentOS, making it more suitable for development and testing rather than production use.

CentOS Stream 8 (EOL May 31,2024)
CentOS Stream 9 (approximately 2031)

The transition from traditional CentOS to CentOS Stream represents a shift in focus from providing a stable, production-ready clone of RHEL to offering a rolling-release development platform that sits upstream of RHEL. This has led to the creation of alternatives like Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux, which aim to provide the stable, RHEL-compatible environment that traditional CentOS users relied on.

Rocky 9 64-bit Linux is a version of Rocky Linux that corresponds to the RHEL 9 source code. It is designed to offer the same features, stability, and compatibility that users expect from RHEL 9, but as a free and open-source alternative. Just like CentOS used to do, Rocky Linux rebuilds the source code from RHEL and makes it available as a freely distributable OS.

Ubuntu LTS (Long Term Support) is a version of the Ubuntu operating system designed for enterprise users. It includes security updates and technical support for five years, making it a stable and reliable choice for businesses and organizations. Ubuntu LTS releases occur every two years and are designed to be easy to use and maintain.

Ubuntu LTS 22.04
Ubuntu LTS 20.04
Ubuntu LTS 18.04

At EDIS Global, we strive to ensure that our VPS hosting solutions provide the highest levels of security and transparency. We offer clean .iso images of frequently used Linux distributions. EDIS does not install KVM guest drivers! This ensures that your VPS environment is secure (no backdoors through guest drivers) and that you have complete control over your hosting solution.

Windows Server Auto-Installers for your Virtual Server

Microsoft developed Windows Server as an operating system tailored for enterprise purposes, providing a suite of services such as web services, network management, and printing. Its centralized administration and security features are ideal for managing critical business data and applications. Furthermore, common Windows applications, like Microsoft Office, can be utilized on this platform.

Windows Server 2016 (180 days trial)
Windows Server 2019 (180 days trial)
Windows Server 2022 (180 days trial)

Enhance Virtual Private Server Hosting with our Comprehensive selection of Operating System Images

As a leading VPS hosting provider, we understand that every business has unique needs for their online presence. That's why we offer a comprehensive selection of operating system and appliance images that you can easily mount and install on your VPS through a VNC session.

Our library includes popular operating systems like BSD, Linux Mint, Arch Linux, MikroTik RouterOS and Net-Installer versions of Debian or CentOS, to name but a few.

If you cannot find the operating system you need for your virtual private servers in our library, you can also upload your own .iso file to your VPS management dashboard and install it seamlessly into your VPS environment through a VNC session.

We believe that our comprehensive selection of operating system and appliance images can help you maximize the potential of your VPS and achieve your business goals. If you have any questions or need assistance with installing any of these images, please do not hesitate to contact our support team. We are always ready to help you.


Take Your Virtual Private Server Hosting to the Next Level with 100+ Turnkey System Images

EDIS is a trusted VPS hosting provider offering more than 100 pre-configured Turnkey System Images to enhance your VPS's performance and efficiency. Whether you need a LAMP stack, WordPress, PostgreSQL, or a Node.js environment, EDIS Global has got you covered to take your shared hosting to the next level.

With EDIS, you receive a range of tools and solutions that cater to various use-cases. Here is a list of some of the most popular system images:

WordPress - Simplify content management with this popular CMS platform - Upgrade your shared hosting and break free from its limitations.

LAMP Stack - A web development stack featuring Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP for a unique shared hosting experience on your Virtual Private Server.

VPN solution built with OpenVPN® Community Edition - Secure remote connections with the popular VPN solution for your virtual private servers.

Magento 2 Ideal for creating beautiful and responsive eCommerce websites.

MediaServer - A media-compatible server to stream your data over the network.

NGINX PHP FastCGI Server Configuration - A fast, secure, and scalable HTTP server for websites.

LDAP Server This system image offers a standalone LDAP server deployment for directory services.

Moodle™ - A powerful course management system that makes it easy to create engaging online learning experiences.

Joomla 3 - A widely popular content management system that allows users to build robust websites and online applications.

File Server - Facilitates document sharing and collaboration among teams.

Node.js - A development environment for building scalable network applications.

Odoo - An open-source enterprise resource planning and customer relations management system for businesses of all sizes.

Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 - Drupal is a powerful content management system that allows easy website creation and customization.

Xoops - A content management system that allows you to create community websites easily.

Redmine - This project management platform lets users handle multiple projects and tasks.

GitLab - An all-in-one DevOps platform where everything you need to create, test, deploy, and monitor your applications is consolidated.

These system images are a small portion of what EDIS Global has to offer. We strive to deliver the tools you need to help you succeed. Contact our customer support team if you have any questions or need assistance with any of these system images.

Thank you for choosing EDIS Global as your VPS hosting partner!