A cluster of golden Bitcoin coins representing the integration of BTC payments with VPS services.
Bitcoin, the currency of the new era, driving the future of VPS hosting services.
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Updated at: 26/04/2024

Bitcoin VPS - Buy your VPS server with Bitcoin or other Crypto

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Buy VPS with BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGE - many other cryptocurrencies accepted

EDIS Global started accepting crypto payments for virtual private servers back in 2017, when crypto was still young – way ahead of the times. Global political developments have made the acceptance of crypto payments an unavoidable lifesaver.

From April 2024 EDIS Global partners with Cryptomus.com and Coinpayments.net to clear crypto payments.

Coinbase Commerce was our main crypto clearing house, until Coinbase stopped accepting Bitcoin Payments from Self-Custody Wallets "due to the difficulties these present for Coinbase’s processes" on April 15, 2024.

At the same time Coinbase Commerce started auto-converting incoming payments to USDC which was not desired. EDIS Global has taken down the Coinbase Commerce payment gateway from their site because customers stopped using it completely after April 15, 2024.

Crypto payments are accepted for VPS Hosting in any of our almost 50 server locations worldwide.

Bitcoin VPS, buy VPS with BTC, Bitcoin accpeted

You can pay for your linux VPS services (or your Windows VPS) from any online wallet, cold wallet or crypto exchange. Purchase VPS hosting with Bitcoin or any of the accepted Crypto Currencies (see list below).

Accepted Crypto Payment Methods

EDIS Global proudly accepts an eclectic mix of digital currencies, including the trailblazing ApeCoin, the foundational Bitcoin (BTC), and Bitcoin Cash (BCH), along with the multifaceted BNB, DAI, DASH, the ever-popular Dogecoin (DOGE), Ether Classic (ETC), Ethereum (ETH), the pioneering Komodo (KMD), Litecoin (LTC), the viral SHIBA INU (SHIB), the stealthy Monero (XMR)*, the reliable Tether (USDT), MATIC, USD Coin (USDC), as well as both Polygon USDC and Polygon Wrapped Ether (WETH), not forgetting Solana (SOL), and Verge (XVG), along many others.

When it comes to Bitcoin transactions, EDIS Global accepts payments via the traditional Bitcoin blockchain as well as through the innovative L2 Lightning Network, enhancing transaction speed and efficiency for wallets that support Lightning.

Monero (XMR) sets itself apart in our portfolio as the go-to for privacy-focused digital transactions, offering untraceable and anonymous payments. This is a stark contrast to Bitcoin’s model, as it ensures the utmost privacy by not logging transaction specifics, thereby elevating the standard for digital anonymity.

Privacy Concerns

At the topic of privacy, restrictions and security: EDIS Global accepts your privacy.

EDIS Global does not require KYC formalities. This means you don't have to submit copies of your passport, social security number, or ID cards. Similarly, you do not have to provide any proof of address or proof of personal information such as utility bills. Nevertheless, we require real names and real street addresses in our databases.

EDIS does allow signup over TOR or proxy server nodes. TOR traffic is fine but running TOR exit notes on our infrastructure is not appreciated over unpleasant experience in the past. Any kind of criminal activity is not tolerated!

Every new signup is reviewed for signs of fraudulent- or criminal intent. Orders are provisioned instantly after the payment was recorded. Coinbase Commerce requires at least 6 confirmations on the blockchain prior to reporting the payment as complete. If you have questions, please reach out to our customer support team at any time.

Technical Aspects

EDIS Global is focused on providing fully GEO-Located services with the lowest latency. EDIS Global VPS come with 100% SSD storage, plenty of bandwidth, and all features to run VPN. Our VPS offer hostCPU passthrough and random number generators for fast entropy.

EDIS Global also provides clean .iso images of commonly used Linux distributions for fully automated installation, you can bring your own .iso (also cloud-init) and boot it in your EDIS KVM.

EDIS Global does not install KVM guest drivers! We want our clients to be sure that there are no backdoors in the OS-images we provide.

Make one of EDIS Global's High performance VPS yours now!

What is Bitcoin VPS hosting?

BTC VPS hosting refers to a VPS hosting or shared hosting service where the payment is made using Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is a well-known digital crypto currency. Bitcoin VPS server provider accept Bitcoin as a form of payment. Users can purchase and renew their virtual private server (VPS) with Bitcoin or other crypto currencies. The VPS bitcoin payment is not being sent to our bitcoin wallet directly, but is cleared through a payment gateway. In our case through Coinbase Commerce. The process is comparable to payments by credit cards or Paypal.

The payment process is fully transparent, you can pay in many different popular cryptocurrencies or crypto coins. You are able to track your BTC payments in the blockchain. Once your payment received the required amount of confirmations, Coinbase Commerce confirms receipt of the payment and reports the payment to our billing system.

Within a couple of minutes, our system delivers your order or renews your services accordingly. Some crypto payment options are faster, some payments can take longer. Particularly, when there is a lot of traffic on the blockchain, transactions can be delayed and gas fees can be higher.

High-Performance Hardware and Cheap VPS Servers

EDIS Global's VPS servers solutions come at an affordable price point without sacrificing quality on VPS servers. Virtual machine are based on mighty KVM virtualization. Every hosting plan comes with a comfortable and secure vps control panel.

You decide if you install a 180-days trial version of Microsoft Windows Server or one of your favourite Linux distributions. No matter which one you go for, you get direct access to Windows OS (RDP Administrator access) or full root access to your Linux OS. No matter which operating system you install: you have complete control over your solution.

Our physical servers (host nodes) are powered by high-performance industry Dell or Hewlett Packard Enterprise servers. Each node works with multiple Intel Xeon processors and Intel Ethernet adapters.

Our VPS Hosting comes with generous amounts of disk space, delivered on fast SSD-only storage. This ensures optimal performance and best experience. EDIS Global also uses random-number generators for fast entropy! If you ever require assistance, our team of experts if available to you through live chat, email, Telegram, Whatsapp.

What does Crypto mean?

The term "crypto" is a short for "crypto currency" or "cryptographic."

In the context of digital currencies, it is most commonly used to refer to Bitcoin and other supported cryptocurrencies like

ApeCoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, DAI, Dogecoin,
Ethereum, Litecoin, SHIBA INU, Tether, MATIC
USD Coin USDC, Polygon USDC, Polygon Wrapped Ether WETH

Crypto Currencies are digital or virtual currencies. Crypto Currencies use cryptography to secure transactions, control the creation of new units, and verify the transfer of assets. They operate on decentralized networks, typically based on blockchain technology, which enables transparency, security, and immutability of transactions.

The prefix "crypto" indicates cryptographic features of digital currencies. These currencies depend on cryptographic algorithms and protocols to guarantee privacy, integrity, and security.

Bitcoin Transactions are ...

The characteristics can be described as permissionless, borderless, and censorship-resistant.

Bitcoin provides anonymity. No identification is required. Crypto Payments are suitable for individuals without access to traditional banking services. Crypto Payments are interesting for those concerned about privacy, or from areas with limited or restricted financial infrastructure.

Bitcoin transactions can offer a high level of financial privacy over traditional payment methods if used carefully.

Bitcoin payments are resistant to censorship, as no entity can obstruct or freeze a transaction of any size.

Bitcoin transactions can complete with remarkable speed. The speed can sometimes match the pace of data transmission over the Internet and fees can be exceptionally low compared to traditional banking systems.

Once a transaction is settled, it becomes irreversible, however, consumer protection measures are still available and active refunds are possible.

Bitcoin transactions are conducted online and accessible 24/7, 365 days a year.